Crocodile Catches Cheetah

Crocodiles are large reptiles found in tropical regions of Africa, Asia, the Americas and Australia. They are members of the order Crocodilia, which also includes caimans, gharials and alligators.

There are 13 crocodile species, and they range in size. The smallest, the dwarf crocodile (Osteolaemus tetraspis), grows to about 5.6 feet (1.7 meters) in length and weighs 13 to 15 pounds (6 to 7 kilograms), according to the Zoological Society of London.

The largest, the saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus), can grow up to 23 feet (6.5 m) in length and can weigh up to 2,000 pounds (907 kg), according to

On a LIVE safari for WildEarth, &Beyond Phinda guide, Busani Mtshali, came across a mother cheetah with two cubs. As the male cub approached the waterhole to quench his thirst, Busani noticed a crocodile was lurking in the water nearby. What followed was sad and hard to watch for Busani as he shared immediately afterward with LIVE viewers across the world.

Sometimes nature can be harsh and difficult to understand. While we would prefer scenes like this to have happier endings, every animal has its role to play in the ‘circle of life’, even the crocodile.

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