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“Giant Anaconda” was found in the deep forest.

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The green anaconda is the largest snake in the world, when both weight and length are considered. It can reach a length of 30 feet (9 meters) and weigh up to 550 pounds (227 kilograms). To picture how big that is, if about five ten-year-olds lie down head to foot, they’d be about the length of this huge snake.

The green anaconda is a member of a family of snakes called constrictors. Constrictors are not ve.nom.ous snakes. They don’t k.i.l.l prey by delivering venom through a bite. Instead, constrictors wr.ap their bodies around their prey and squeeze until it stops br.ea.thing.

Giant Python Hunt, Giant Python | giant python | giant python anaconda hunting Giant anaconda giant python | giant python. The biggest snake that goes berserk and attacks. A giant python that was met by four Thai youths in the river and after going through a fierce battle with a giant anaconda.

draining power, finally the anaconda can be disabled Giant anaconda, giant python, viral catching of a 200 kg python in Thailand has become a trending topic of conversation
The giant python that was found was 10 meters long and weighed 200 kg.