The helpless deer made the woman notice her wounds and got a great support by her

Eva was a week-old fawn when we first got to know her. Eva grew up being very interested in these people who lived in her neighborhood because we were “friends” with her bright mother who visited daily. Over time, it became clear that Eva comprehended a lot of the German and English that she heard, and the two of them developed a remarkable bond. But deer are not like dogs.

They can be cuddly but are also highly independent and headstrong, more like cats. Eva liked watching the yard or the inside of the house from the porch. When she didn’t want to go, it was sometimes nearly impossible to convince her to do so. Marlis was standing behind Eva and exerting all of her force to push Eva down the small porch steps, and I wish I had a camera at the time. Eva remained still like a master of Tai Chi; despite your best efforts, you were unable to move her.

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