A rat snake may look like it’s related to this King Cobra, but the cobra prefers to think of the rat snake as lunch!

When it comes to the rat snake, it is easy to mistake it for the King Cobra. After all, both snakes share a similar appearance, and both are formidable predators. But while the rat snake may look like it’s related to the King Cobra, the truth is that the King Cobra prefers to think of the rat snake as lunch! The rat snake is a species of nonvenomous colubrid snake that is found throughout much of the United States. These snakes are usually gray or brown in color and can grow up to six feet in length. They feed mainly on small rodents, lizards, and frogs. Rat snakes are also known for their agility; they are incredibly fast and can climb trees with ease.

On the other hand, the King Cobra is a species of venomous elapid snake that is found primarily in India and Southeast Asia. They are considered the world’s longest venomous snake and can grow up to 18 feet in length. They feed mainly on other snakes, including rat snakes, and will even eat other King Cobras if necessary. Despite their similarities in appearance, the rat snake and the King Cobra could not be more different. While the rat snake is a harmless, nonvenomous species, the King Cobra is one of the most dangerous snakes in the world. The King Cobra’s venom is so powerful that it can kill an elephant in a single bite, something the rat snake could never do.

So while it may be easy to think that the rat snake is related to the King Cobra, the truth is that the King Cobra would much rather think of the rat snake as its next meal. So if you ever come across a rat snake in the wild, make sure to keep your distance. After all, you don’t want to become lunch for a King Cobra!

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