Baby Cheetah vs Baby Gazelle

Nature can be c.ruel, but everyone has to This young cheetah cub was gifted a new born Thomson’s gazelle but its mother (who in an e.ven c.rueler twist of fate had caught the l.ambs mother) to practice on. Showing clear instincts, the cheetah had the right idea, but lacked the execution. The next time it practices, it will do a little better.

The fate of the young lamb was pretty much sealed when its mother got caught, so even though it managed to thwart the young cheetah, it was the eventual l.oser. Thanks to Chaba Kijazi for the incredible footage!

I’ve watched nearly every documentary on cheetahs and lions and I’ve NEVER EVER seen a cub this tiny and young h.un.ting and already knows to go for the jugular! I was in s.hock! What a h.unter he/she will be soon. The lessons from mom are paying off because this baby understood the assignment.

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