This content is mixed between fact and fiction. Our team strives to provide original content where we work on all elements from voiceovers, sound effects, original scripts, combining several videos where most of them we have the right to use them legally.
It is difficult to guarantee all copyright protection, we always try to communicate with the owners rights to cooperate copyright even if there are still e.rrors. Sometimes we create fictional stories, where we combine a few clips to create an educational story for the purpose of excitement. We hope you like it.
I always respected the boldness of giant tortoises. Their entire build is based on nothing but sheer defense and strong jaws, they are so slow but their entire body is a fortress, of shell and leather. The only effective ways to end one in shell is gravity, the underbelly and neck. Even then the tortoise is so ungodly sized that virtually nothing can penetrate it yet what possibly can power such a hulking behemoth of turtling? Plants, literally just plants, sure it’s a good amount but still plants.