Giant python eats whole cow alive in India

A giant python shocked locals in India when it devoured a cow alive. The incident happened at a farm in the village of Ramnagar in the Indian state of Karnataka. According to reports, the farmers heard strange cries coming from their cowshed and when they went to investigate, they found the python with its jaws around the neck of a fully grown cow. The python was estimated to be around 12 feet long and was tightly wrapped around the cow, squeezing it to death. Despite the efforts of the farmers, they were unable to save the cow as the python had already ingested it.

This is not the first time such an incident has happened in India. In 2018, a python in the same state of Karnataka was reported to have swallowed an adult goat alive. In 2017, another python was reported to have eaten a piglet in the same state. The giant python is a species of snake found in India and is known to have a strong appetite for large prey. They often feed on animals like goats, sheep, pigs, and even dogs. However, it is rare for them to eat cows as they are usually too large for them to swallow.

The incident has caused shock and disbelief among locals, who are now taking extra precautions to protect their livestock and pets from these giant predators. Experts advise that people living in areas where these snakes are found should not leave their animals unattended and should be vigilant about any strange activity in the vicinity. The python is not a protected species in India and can be hunted and killed in some areas. The government of Karnataka has also declared a bounty of Rs. 10,000 (around $140) for anyone who kills a python. This incident is a reminder of the dangers of living in close proximity to wild animals. It is important to take necessary precautions to ensure the safety of both humans and animals.

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