Stunning In A Shiny, Shimmering Reddish-Orange Feather Coat, This Bird Is Praised As A Living Gemstone Of The Forest

Mentioning bird-of-paradise, they are already well-known for their glorious colorful feathers. And this one is the bird that stands above all others.

Let’s meet the king bird-of-paradise.







After mating, the female bird will build a nest into a tree cavity, then lay two eggs inside. The incubation period lasts for 17 days and when the eggs hatch, she will take care of the chicks without the assistance of her mate. Surprisingly, female birds can mate with other bird-of-paradise species, as the hybrids between the King bird-of-paradise and Magnificent bird-of-paradise have already been recognized.

The king bird-of-paradise is assessed tentatively as being in population decline due to habitat loss and overhunting. However, in their native habitat of New Guinea and western satellite islands, they are a common and widespread species. Therefore, the king bird-of-paradise is evaluated as Least Concern by IUCN.

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