Cute Video Momma Bear Rescues Her Little Cub From A Busy Highway

Whether you’re a human or a bear, mom knows best. In this rare and beautiful footage captured in Kootenay National Park in the Canadian Rockies, a black bear mother carefully plucks her little cub out of harm’s way after he wanders onto a busy road and becomes scared and disoriented by his surroundings.

Momma Bear Rescues Her Little Cub From A Busy Highway (VIDEO)

Luckily, the footage seems to show that passing drivers were aware of the hazard and were driving slowly in case the little cub decided to make a run for it. The sight was recorded by Ricky Forbes, a tornado hunter from, who stopped by the side of the road when he saw the dangerous but wonderful scene unfold. (H/T: huffpost)



Here’s the full video:

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