Fishermen delighted to see 11-foot pink ray, a rare species, at Great Barrier Reef

The ik mata ray, which is nearly 11 feet long, lives in the waters of Lady Ellit Islad on the Great Barrier Reef.Since his discovery, the marie creatre has been closely monitored by the Project Mata research group.

The scientists named him Inspector Clouseau after the character played by the family in “The Pik Pather.”It’s unclear “what causes” Issectr Clsea’s cough, but researchers suspect it’s a very [rare] condition known as [erythrism].Erythrism, like albinism or melanism, causes a lack of fetal differentiation, but if the first two sitatis are white or black, it is a vibratig differentiation.

Mata rays are typically black, but there are instances when they can be white or a combination of the two, making a black mata ray quite unusual! S e see ad htgrahed, but colr must have cme frm smewhere ad could be assed to ffsrig

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