2 Black Mamba Snakes Fighting on Golf Course

Cara was on the golf course at Leopard Creek, just outside Kruger National Park’s Malelane Gate.
This is called “plaiting combat,” a sort of shoving match between two male snakes. Sometimes they bite each other, but they’re not actually trying to kill each other-just establish who’s boss. This behavior’s been observed in other species, too, such as king cobras.

The end goal is to make the other male submit. Odds are they’re fighting over a mate, so the winner will head over to the presumably nearby female snake afterwards.
Mind that I’m not an expert, though. I just did some quick research and encourage anyone who reads this to do their own, too.
This is some amazing footage. Watching these two magnificent serpents vie for supremacy on the golf course is probably a once-in-a-lifetime encounter. The people there are so lucky to see this first hand. Krueger comes through with the goods yet again. Thank you so much for uploading.


2 Black Mamba Snakes Fighting on Golf Course





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VDO 2 Black Mamba Snakes Fighting on Golf Course




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