Proof That Saving An Animal’s Life Is Pure Magic

Wonderful. He didn’t have to stay and alone. When his time comes he will be cared for and comforted. Every creature deserves this.

Some people think animals don’t have feels, but clearly this handsome guy recognized his rescuer and is grateful for her help.

This cat clearly realized who this woman really is: the friend he always wanted. And naturally he fell in love.

There really isn’t anything like having the trust of an animal. That feeling of just having them close and head bumps😻. There goes another set of angel wings special delivery.

The look on his face when he was making biscuits on your back. Priceless.

My sincere thanks to everyone who saves an animal’s life. There is nothing like it in this world! An animal’s love is unconditional and forever.

You’re giving him a warm, wonderful end of life. There’s nothing better that you can do.

I’ve saved quite a few cats lives. Three I still have right next to me, and countless others are now in nice warm houses with loving families that would have otherwise been I can personally tell you nothing feels better. I’m not special, I just choose to make the decision to make my community better by caring for ab.used and neg.le.cted animals and if you are reading this you can save lives too.

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