>> Victimized Puppy Left On Interstate Gets A Sign To Remind Him He’s Worth It

According to ilovemydogsomuch, a good Samaritan discovered a bundle by the side of the road.

This bundle consisted of a rolled-up blanket containing a dog that was on the verge of d.ea.th. The frail puppy, later named Harris, was nothing but skin and bones. He was brought to the Stray Rescue of Saint Louis’ medical center (SR).

Un.for.tunately, it was clear that Harris had not been abandoned. He had been ignored and ab.u.sed for a long time. What drives a human to in.ju.re such a lovely creature is a mystery to us. Thankfully, there are far more nice people on this planet than b.a.d. As you’ll see, Harris gains a lot of friends along the way who are willing to go to any length to ensure that he has a happy and healthy life.

When Harris first entered the room, he was unresponsive. Medical personnel treated his wounds and him intravenous fluids and p.ai.n relievers. The volunteers sat next to him, waiting for the sweet boy to answer. It was now only a matter of waiting.

Knowing that maintaining a fighting spirit and keeping psychologically strong is an important aspect of treatment, the staff at SR created a sign for Harris to remind him that he is loved, that his life counts, and, most importantly, that he is courageous!

As time passed and it became clear that Harris was having trouble coping, a shelter volunteer volunteered to sleep with him for comfort. See! We warned you there are much more good people than nasty individuals in the world!

Harris needed a feeding tube at first, but within just a few days, he was able to lift his head and eat on his own! Take a look at him! What a tenacious little fighter!

Little Harris is sitting up and taking a bath in what feels like the blink of an eye! Take a look at how adorable this man is. That bottom lip is ridiculous!!!

Harris takes his first steps before you realize it. What a miraculous event! He has assistance, but as you can see in the video below, he eventually walks on his own!

Every day, Harris astonishes the rescuers with new achievements. They weren’t sure if he’d make it or not. Of course, they hoped, and of course, they never gave up— but Harris’ human pals were always shocked when he accomplished something. He was still referred to as a miracle. He is, without a doubt!

Then Harris, like the miracle dog he is, RUNS!

Harris continues to make his saviors proud. He’s got a lot more grins, and now he’s got a lot more confidence. He’s still recovering, but no one believes that he’ll make a complete recovery and find the ideal permanent home.

Don’t miss out on learning more about Harris and his incredible path of transformation and hope in the video below. Consider making a donation to Saint Louis Stray Rescue. They’re also fantastic!

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