>> A man caught on camera taking a sick dog for a walk every day is praised by thousands

True animal lovers understand that dogs are man’s best friend; nevertheless, not everyone understands that man’s best buddy is neither a toy nor something that can be discarded when we’ve had enough.

Tonino Vitale, an Italian man, was captured on camera walking his elderly, ailing dog, which is nothing out of the norm for dog owners.

Dylan, a 13-year-old Labrador who is di.sa.bled by ar.thr.itis, is taken out on a cart every day by his caring owner so he can receive some fresh air and a change of scenery.

Dylan the dog is unable to move his rear legs and has difficulties moving his front legs, but his owner makes every effort to make him comfortable.

“Dylan is like our child for me, for my wife, who is an exceptional woman, and who has grown fond of him even more than I,” Tonino stated, according to Italian news site Il Vibonese. He also mentioned that Dylan helped him cope with his father’s d.ea.th.

Tonino is being praised by animal lovers all over the world after his video of the variety proprietor went viral and was shared by hundreds of people!

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