>> 2-Legged Dog THROWN FROM CAR CRASH Reunites With Family

2-Legged Dog Thrown From Car Crash Reunites With Family | This incredible 2-legged dog went mi.ssing after a car cr.a.sh — and his dad had the sweetest reaction when they finally reunited.

This is one lucky family,they survived,and even though their dog was ba.dly in.jur.ed they’re still a complete family. I’m so glad for them.

I lost my dog Christmas eve, and he’s a boston terrier so he shouldn’t be out in the cold. It was about -5 degrees the night we lost him. The next morning at about 5 am I saw him in a 5 foot deep ditch. I took him up to the house and wrapped him up in a blanket. He’s alright now.

Im so pleased Duncan was found at least the family cared about their mi.ss.ing family pet and then after such a hi.deous ac.ci.dent. Thankfully no one was k.il.led. Oh why are there as always thumbs down?? Gosh there must be so many animal h.a.t.e.rs out there!

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