He Kissed Me to Thank for Giving Him a Faith in Humanity After Days of Neglect

Thank you for such an extraordinary miracle, for saving the un.for.tunate baby, if it weren’t for you, it’s s.c.ary to even think …

Health to the wonderful dog and quickly forget about those te.rri.ble days that happened to him! And you kind hearts all the best in life!

Congratulations guys you are doing a wonderful job that you saved another innocent soul is Angels From Cyprus.

Poor poor little Doggy! It’s a great pity for the pitiful state he’s in, now a little better than he’s ever eaten.

But it needs medical treatment. How were they able to ignore the poor at this point?! E.v.il people who will one day have paid him. And the little dog is so sweet and recognized.
Good luck, dear!

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