Puppies Rescued From Cave With Maggots, No Food and Water

Lord, give patience and health to the young man who saved the puppy. Health, patience to the people who treated this baby. It’s scary to watch, but they help, heal, save. Thanks, kudos.

You are human angels on Earth to save these little animals. What a pity, it br.ea.ks my heart. Inside the Bible it says that the righteous is concerned about the domestic animal. Congratulations! Our Grand Creator is happy knowing that there are human beings who save these creatures. Elderly people, children and animals su.ff.er in the cl.ut.ches of many wic.ked people. God bless you human angels so much. Thanks for taking care of them. Gratitude. Congratulations!

How I admire people who in any situation find solutions to save the animal !!!

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