Boxful of Ragdolls So Cute Kitten

Given that 11 cats reside there with their humans, I’m astonished with how tidy this house appears. It’s incredible to have a three-generation family of cats all together! They have an incredible existence. They’re all very lovely and individual in their own way.

But I’ll always have a soft spot for Manon since she’s so adorable. It’s almost as if they had their own office booths. Giselle appears to appreciate it, and it may be a better exercise for her than the wheel because she enjoys it more.

I’m astonished by how they managed to get all those cats to sit in the boxes for so long to snap a photo when they’re in a grid. It’s like an adorable version of those small slider puzzles where you need to shift a square out of the way in order for another to take that spot. I’m laughing along with them… guess you could say a few of them were thinking outside the box… I’m going to see myself out.

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