Chinese baby born with 4 palms, 16 toes and 15 fingers

Recently, a Chinese baby born with 4 palms, 16 toes and 15 fingers made headlines around the world. The baby, who was born in Guangxi, China, is said to have a rare congenital disorder called Polydactyly, a condition which causes the extra digits. The baby’s parents are said to be stunned and worried about the condition, but doctors have assured them that the baby is in good health. The extra digits have been surgically removed and the baby is expected to make a full recovery.

The condition is relatively rare, occurring in about 1 in 1,000 births. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics, environmental exposures during pregnancy, and certain types of medications. Polydactyly can cause physical difficulties as the extra digits can be weak and can lead to the baby having difficulty walking. However, if the extra digits are removed in infancy, no long-term physical problems should occur.

While the condition is rare, it is not unheard of, and there have been cases of babies born with more than the usual number of digits. In some cases, the extra digits have been surgically removed and the baby has grown up to lead a normal life. The Chinese baby’s parents have been urged to monitor the baby’s development closely and ensure that the condition does not cause any physical difficulties. While the condition is rare, it is important to be aware of the potential risks and take steps to ensure the baby’s health and safety.

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